Mozilla Firefox 48.0

  1. Mozilla Firefox 48.0.2 32 Bit
  2. Mozilla Firefox 48.0 32-bit Download
  3. Mozilla Firefox 56.0.2
  4. Mozilla Firefox 48.0.2 64 Bit Download
  5. Mozilla Firefox 48.0 Download
  6. Mozilla Firefox 55.0.3 X64 En Us Download

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, light and tidy open source web browser. At its public launch in 2004 Mozilla Firefox was the first browser to challenge Microsoft Internet Explorer’s dominance. Since then, Mozilla Firefox has consistently featured in the top 3 most popular browsers globally and this is set to continue thanks to the release of. To install Firefox on a Windows XP system, because of Windows restrictions, the user will have to download Firefox 43.0.1 and then update to the current release. Recommended Hardware Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2. Mozilla Firefox 48.0 voor Windows (64bit, Engels) Mozilla Firefox 48.0 voor Linux (32bit, Engels) Mozilla Firefox 48.0 voor Linux (64bit, Engels) Mozilla Firefox 48.0 voor OS X (Engels) Mozilla. Firefox for Android Release August 2, 2016 Version 48.0, first offered to Release channel users on August 2, 2016 We'd also like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox! Advanced SystemCare uses a one-click approach to clean, optimize, speed up, and protect your computer. Get rid of junk files, protect your privacy, clean your registry, undelete files, and more.

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, light and tidy open source web browser. At its public launch in 2004 Mozilla Firefox was the first browser to challenge Microsoft Internet Explorer’s dominance. Since then, Mozilla Firefox has consistently featured in the top 3 most popular browsers globally and this is set to continue thanks to the release of Firefox 30. The key features that have made Mozilla Firefox so popular are the simple and effective UI, browser speed and strong security capabilities. The browser is particularly popular with developers thanks to its open source development and active community of advanced users.

Easier Browsing

Mozilla put of a lot of resources into creating a simple but effective UI aimed at making browsing quicker and easier. They created the tab structure that has been adopted by most other browsers. In recent years Mozilla has also focused on maximizing browsing area by simplifying toolbar controls to just a Firefox button (which contains settings and options) and back/forward buttons. The URL box features direct Google searching as well as an auto predict/history feature called Awesome Bar. On the right side of the URL box there are bookmarking, history and refresh buttons. To the right of the URL box is a search box which allows you to customize your search engine options. Outside of that a view button controls what you see below the URL. Next to that you have the download history and home buttons.


Mozilla Firefox boasts impressive page load speeds thanks to the excellent JagerMonkey JavaScript engine. Start up speed and graphics rendering are also among the quickest in the market. Firefox manages complex video and web content using layer-based Direct2D and Driect3D graphics systems. Crash protection ensures only the plugin causing the issue stops working, not the rest of the content being browsed. Reloading the page restarts any affected plugins. The tab system and Awesome Bar have been streamlined to launch/get results very quickly too.


Firefox was the first browser to introduce a private browsing feature which allows you to use the internet more anonymously and securely. History, searches, passwords, downloads, cookies and cached content are all removed on shutdown. Minimizing the chances of another user stealing your identity or finding confidential information. Content security, anti-phishing technology and antivirus/antimalware integration ensures your browsing experience is as safe as possible.

Download: Mozilla Firefox 48.0.2 64-bit (32-bit)

< Releases
  • 1Summary
    • 1.6QA Activities
  • 2Milestones
    • 2.2Betas
      • 2.2.1Beta 1
      • 2.2.2Beta 2
      • 2.2.3Beta 3
      • 2.2.4Beta 4
      • 2.2.5Beta 5
      • 2.2.6Beta 6
      • 2.2.7Beta 7
      • 2.2.9Beta 9
      • 2.2.10Beta 10
    • 2.3Release Candidates
      • RC
      • RC2
      • 2.3.3Release 48.0
      • 2.3.448.0.1 Build 1
      • 2.3.548.0.1 Build 3
      • 2.3.648.0.2 Build 1

This page is to track testing of Firefox 48 from mozilla-central (Nightly) through to mozilla-release. This is intended to be a minimal set of information to help Firefox QA understand and communicate the quality of upcoming releases. Our current walkthrough of the release and QA process might be changing due to recent reorgs.


Please consult the Rapid Release Calendar for more information.

Milestone Date Checks
Nightly 2016-03-07 Conduct daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are owned
Aurora Migration 2016-04-18 Conduct testing to ensure Firefox 48 Aurora builds are okay, sign off for updates on Friday
Aurora Updates enabled 2016-04-22 Continue daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are tested
Beta Uplift 2016-06-06 Review testing and sign off every beta release
Release 2016-08-02 Review tests and sign off release


Meeting Purpose When Vidyo Room IRC Backchannel
Channel Status Raise quality concerns with the Release Management team 10:00 Pacific on Tuesday & ThursdayReleaseCoordination#planning
Firefox QA Meet the Desktop QA team and hear what they're working on8:30am Pacific on WednesdaysDesktopQA#qa
QA Team Meet the entire QA team and hear what they're working on!1:30am Pacific on WednesdaysQA#qa


During the 6 weeks that Firefox 48 is on the Nightly channel, QA will focus on helping with the Firefox iteration planning, as well as with crash reporting and triaging newly reported bugs. The earlier we can get these bug reports into shape for developers to prioritize them and work on them, the more likely they'll be fixed by release in April.


Questions for workweek
  • Each topcrash should have a developer assigned, a QA contact, and tracking + or -.
  • We should decide on a threshold for 'crisis' level crash spikes/crash rates. (Different for startup, plugin, crashes or specific platforms)
  • What do we want to do with the iteration process. Continue assigning QA contact, verification + or -?
  • We should encourage the use of 'feature' or verification needed keywords/flags.
  • What, if any, conditions would actually block or delay the move to aurora?
End of cycle status
  • Total bugs filed affecting 48:
  • Bugs fixed / verified on 48:
  • Conditional signoff for merge: (date, who signed off)
  • QE signoff:

Developer Edition (Aurora)

Continue triaging incoming bugs with community help. Test e10s issues.

During the 48 Developer Edition cycle we will be working to help determine the state of the Electrolysis (e10s) project. e10s will be ready to move to Beta if stability and fixes are up to an acceptable quality level.

  • File crashes, escalate bad crashes.
  • Track feature milestones (for example the e10s tracking flags.)
  • Should have testing plans for features that we know may be turned off /on conditionally.
  • link to release notes. review & update.

Reference (and migration / signoff plan:


During the Beta cycle, there are at least 9 beta releases. Communication with the release coordination, release engineering, and automation teams is key.

QA analyzes the results of functional, remote, and update tests running on jenkins. We create config files for the update tests, check their validity on mciconf and run them on at least two channels for each beta release cycle. A big part of this work currently is going through the test results to figure out why test failures occurred (infrastructure, tests themselves, actual Firefox bug).

Pivotal bugs may need verification during each beta cycle.

  • link to release notes. review & update.
  • crash evaluation/escalation.
  • feature evaluation.

QA Activities

QA wanted

The following tracks bugs which have requests for urgent QA assistance.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Read it and make sure you understand what information is needed (this may be steps or URLs to reproduce, a regression range, or something else altogether)
  • Use the latest build of this Firefox version and test until you've discovered the information necessary. Ask for help if you need it.
  • Report this information to the bug and remove the qawanted keyword

No results.


0 Total;0 Open (0%);0 Resolved (0%);0 Verified (0%);


This section tracks bugs representing the most urgent stability issues. Consult this wiki for more information.

  • Ensure new and explosive crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Top Crashes - ensure the highest ranked crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Untriaged Bugs - ensure bugs are actionable and in the correct component

Unconfirmed Bug Triage

The following tracks triage and testing of incoming, unconfirmed bug reports.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Use the latest Nightly build to confirm the bug reproduces
  • Flag with reporter with needinfo if you cannot reproduce and need more information
  • Set the status to NEW and ensure the bug is in the appropriate component if you can reproduce the bug (provide as much detail about your testing as possible)
  • If it's a Firefox bug you may want to add the firefox-backlog=? flag to it.


  • All Unconfirmed Bugs
  • Unchanged Since One Week
    • These bugs may need extra attention.
  • Unchanged Since One Month
    • These are likely to be confusing or non-reproducible issues. We should make decisions to either close these or tag these unactionable, and filter them out

Verification Needed Bugs

  • Review the bugs below in the Pending Triage section and select a bug you want to test
  • Make sure you understand the bug before you begin testing it
  • Test on a previously known broken build to make sure you can reproduce the bug
  • Test on the latest build from the branches which are fixed to confirm the bug no longer reproduces
  • Mark the bug VERIFIED FIXED if the bug appears to be fixed and set the appropriate status-firefox flag to verified
  • Reopen the bug if it still reproduces

Iteration Development

Firefox development during Nightly works on two-week iterations as of 2014. This section tracks the bugs selected for development in these iterations.Please consult the Iteration Dev Walkthrough and the Firefox/IterativeDevelopment page for more information on this process.

  • Ensure all bugs are marked qe-verify:+ or -
  • Ensure all qe-verify:+ bugs have a QA Contact (The Feature Owner page may help here)
  • Ensure all selected bugs are VERIFIED before the end of the iteration
  • Anything incomplete at the end of the iteration will be automatically carried over to the next iteration


  • Dashboard showing current active iteration:
  • Iteration 48.1, all bugs:
  • Iteration 48.2, all bugs:
  • Iteration 48.3, all bugs:

Aurora Migration

Post-merge Work (as soon as updates are disabled):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the auroratest channel (before first Aurora builds are generated, to make sure we don't get any red on aurora update tests)

Pre-sign-off Checks:

  • [DONE] Features - all scoped features are signed off as ready for Aurora by owners. (If you haven't heard anything to the contrary, that is probably true, but make sure we don't know of blocking issues.)
  • [DONE] Bugs - document and review any reported bugs and issues, nominate them for tracking if serious (i.e. make sure all bugs needed to be tracked have at least a request for that up).
  • [DONE] Stability - review crash stats before sign-off to raise any red flags.
  • [DONE] L10n - contact L10n drivers (usually :Pike) to see if there are any known localization issues.

Post-sign-off Checks (as soon as updates are enabled again):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the aurora channel


Beta 1

Build Information

Mozilla Firefox 48.0.2 32 Bit

  • Build 2: 48.0b1-build2 | 55124c734302 | (ID: 20160606200529)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 1
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on New Awesomebar, and Windows Child Mode.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 2

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b2-build1 | 979877270675 | (ID: 20160620091522)
  • Build 2: 48.0b2-build2 | 979877270675 | (ID: 20160620091522)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 2
    • [DONE]Build 1 - Smoke Testing with focus on Video Compatibility, and Graphics.
    • [DONE]Build 2 - Smoke Testing with focus on Web Compatibility.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
      • Build 1 failing due to bug 1281149 - Build 2 was created to fix the failures on build 1, and tests passed
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 3

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b3-build1 | 13b02b96281e | (ID: 20160623122823)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 3
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Audio Compatibility and Toolbar Customization.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 4

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b4-build1 | 676a32cdd41f | (ID: 20160627144420)


Mozilla Firefox 48.0 32-bit Download

  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 4
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Add-on Compatibility, Themes, Downloads, and Printing.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 5

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b5-build1 | dd7af1fa4ece | (ID: 20160630123429)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 5
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Search, Image Support, Plugin Compatibility, and Crash Reporter.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 6

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b6-build1 | d142c49033c0 | (ID: 20160706215822)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 6
    • [DONE]Regression Testing with focus on Migration and Bookmarks.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 7

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b7-build1 | 9d734024ed35 | (ID: 20160711002726)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 7
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on .
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
      • Note: several expected test failures encountered, see 1247596.
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)
      • Note: several expected test failures encountered, see 1247596.

Beta 8

The build was cancelled due to Buildbot DB issues

Beta 9

Mozilla Firefox 56.0.2

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b9-build1 | d2ab9c39bd10 | (ID: 20160718142219)


  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 9
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Safe Browsing, and Download Manager.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 10

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0b10-build1 | 05853bb06a87 | (ID: 20160721144529)

Mozilla Firefox 48.0.2 64 Bit Download


Mozilla Firefox 48.0 Download

  • Manual - Firefox 48 Beta 10
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on OS X Signing, OS X 32-bit Mode and Sync.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Release Candidates

48.0 RC

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0RC | a55778f9cd5a | (ID: 20160725093659)


  • Manual - Firefox 48.0 RC
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Web Compatibility.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • This is a candidate for the 48.0 release build. We should test updates on beta-cdntest for a preliminary sign-off (Release Management must give the 'go' for pushing to beta), then on beta after the push to beta, and then on the day before release (Monday), after a full sign-off and push to that channel, run tests on release-cdntest.
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

48.0 RC2

Build Information

  • Build 2: 48.0RC2 | c1de04f39fa9 | (ID: 20160726073904)


  • Manual - Firefox 48.0 RC2
    • [DONE]Smoke Testing with focus on Web Compatibility.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the fixes that landed in this build (Bug 1288751)
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • This is a candidate for the 48.0 release build. We should test updates on beta-cdntest for a preliminary sign-off (Release Management must give the 'go' for pushing to beta), then on beta after the push to beta, and then on the day before release (Monday), after a full sign-off and push to that channel, run tests on release-cdntest.
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
      • Updates from versions < 44.0 failed on all OS X versions - filed Bug 1291261 - this is not caused by a watershed, and manual updates passed on:
        • OS X 10.9.5 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.4 en-US – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)
        • OS X 10.10.5 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.3 fr, 43.0 it – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)
        • OS X 10.11 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.1 de, 43.0.2 es-ES – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)
      • Updates from versions < 44.0 failed on all OS X versions - filed Bug 1291261 - this is not caused by a watershed, and manual updates passed on:
        • OS X 10.9.5 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.4 en-US – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)
        • OS X 10.10.5 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.3 fr, 43.0 it – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)
        • OS X 10.11 – 42.0 en-US, 43.0.1 de, 43.0.2 es-ES – PASSED (direct update to 48.0)

Release 48.0

Build Information

  • See Release Candidate Build 2


  • Update Testing - see Release Candidate Build 2
  • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details, and detailed Test Instructions for running them)
    • Used commands:
      • ./
      • ./
      • ./
      • ./
      • ./
    • Results
      • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2016-08-02: Win32: 25% - Win64: 23% - Mac: 26% - Linux32: 26% - Linux64: 22%
      • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), 2016-08-03: Win32: 0% - Win64: 0% - Mac: 0% - Linux32: 0% - Linux64: 0%
      • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%): 2016-08-05: N/A
        • NOT enabled at 100%, due to crashes detected in the wild - dot released planned instead

48.0.1 Build 1

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0.1-build1 | e360efec6839 | (ID: 20160816033124)
  • Manual - Firefox 48.0.1
    • [DONE]Regression Testing with focus on Hello Removal, and Web Compatibility.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the driver fixes for this build: bug 1291078, bug 1291703, bug 1291738
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [NOT STARTED] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [NOT STARTED] Updates on release channel (report)
    • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
      • Used commands:
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
      • Results:
        • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2016-08-17: Win32: % - Win64: % - Mac: % - Linux32: % - Linux64: %
        • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), 2016-08-18: Win32: % - Win64: % - Mac: % - Linux32: % - Linux64: %
        • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%): 2016-08-20: Win32: % - Win64: % - Mac: % - Linux32: % - Linux64: %
  • Release process of the build was stopped, so we can create a build2 with a fix for bug bug 1295296

48.0.1 Build 3

Build Information

Mozilla Firefox 55.0.3 X64 En Us Download

  • Build 3: 48.0.1-build3 | f36f7ace6f48 | (ID: 20160817112116)
  • Manual - Firefox 48.0.1
    • [DONE]Regression Testing with focus on Web Compatibility.
    • [DONE]Bug verification with focus on the driver fix for this build: bug 1295296
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)
    • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
      • Used commands:
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
      • Results:
        • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2016-08-18: N/A - Releasing directly to 100%
        • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), 2016-08-19: N/A - Releasing directly to 100%
        • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%): 2016-08-18: Win32: 100% - Win64: 100% - Mac: 100% - Linux32: 100% - Linux64: 100%

48.0.2 Build 1

Build Information

  • Build 1: 48.0.2-build1 | d4af06710040 | (ID: 20160823121617)
  • Manual - Firefox 48.0.2
    • [DONE]Regression Testing with focus on General Web Compatibility.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)
    • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
      • Used commands:
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
        • ./
      • Results:
        • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2016-08-24: N/A - Releasing directly to 100%
        • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), 2016-08-25: N/A - Releasing directly to 100%
        • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%): 2016-08-24: Win32: 100% - Win64: 100% - Mac: 100% - Linux32: 100% - Linux64: 100%
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