Alfred Omnifocus

  1. Alfred Omnifocus

Since the v2 release, we’ve updated our blog to a simpler, cleaner look. We are also planning on making much better use of it with interviews, feature guides and much more over the coming months – so keep an eye on it for fun Alfred features. 🙂


Over the past few months, the Alfred community (that’s you!) have created some truly brilliant workflows. We’ve highlighted a few of our favourites before, but here are some more gems we’ve dug up for you.

An Alfred 2 workflow to create tasks in OmniFocus featuring autocompletion of Project and Context - leon-db/alfred-omnifocus-workflow. I have written in a previous blog post about a quick way to defer tasks in Omnifocus to later today, to the next day, or even to the weekend. I use a combination of AppleScripts and Alfred 2 workflows. The beauty is, you don't have to know anything about AppleScript nor do you have to have any programming skills to make it work for you! OmniFocus is a powerful task management app that’s worth checking out. Unfortunately, one flaw of the app is that you can’t search everything at once—you’re restricted to your current “Perspective”.

Alfred Omnifocus

Workflows are a Powerpack feature, so if you’re not yet a Powerpack user, you can either upgrade your v1 license or buy a new license.


David Ferguson (jdfwarrior) has been working tirelessly to help users with their own workflows on the forum, but has also created a great Weather workflow which shows you conditions and forecast.

If you’re wondering if it’s BBQ and ice cream weather, check out the Weather workflow.

Spotify Workflows

If you listen to Spotify all day, as we do, you’ll love these Spotify workflows.

The original Spotify workflow was created by Jeff Johns (phpfunk) and allows you to control Spotify with a thorough range of keywords. Have a look at the basic commands and download the workflow to get some summer tunes going!

For a different twist on the same theme, Spotifious by Ben Stolovitz also allows you to control Spotify, launching from a hotkey. Find out more and download Spotifious on the forum.

OmniFocus Workflow

Need to be more efficient with your work tasks? If you’re an OmniFocus fiend, you’ll be able to manage your tasks from Alfred. Surely that means you can leave early and go grab a beer?

Firefox & Chrome Bookmarks Search

This isn’t a workflow, but a very useful integration worth sharing.

Alfred search omnifocus

Out of the box, Alfred searches Safari bookmarks, as Chrome and Firefox don’t support Spotlight search by default. However, we really like Brow by Tim Schroeder as an alternative way to get native integration for bookmarks search in these two browsers.

Once you’ve installed Brow, Tim provides a guide to adding your Brow bookmarks to Alfred, so that in a few seconds, you can search your Chrome and Firefox bookmarks within Alfred!

TinyPNG File Resizer

Benzi Ahamed’s TinyPNG resizer filters files on your Mac for .png files, then uses to shrink the file size of the file you selected. Handy way to save time!

Alfred Omnifocus

This is just a little taster; you’ll find many more workflows on the Alfred forum. Once you start creating your own workflows, you’ll also be able to get help from fellow Alfred users if you have any questions.